Innovative Business Training for Virtual Teams Management in a Partnership with Gallup International Balkan

Petar IVANOVGallup International Balkan is an official partner of Peter Ivanov’s Virtual Teams training

On October 28th, 2015 a training for Virtual Teams managers, HR specialists, freelancers and start-ups will take place in James Baucher Hall in Sofia (23, James Baucher Str.). The international manager and keynote speaker Peter Ivanov will present his innovative Management System Virtual Power Teams that unites dispersed Teams despite the geographical distance and cultural differences for Top Performance. VPT can be applied in large Global Projects in the ‘business as usual’ context as well as in NGOs and in SMEs within one country. The system has been applied in BAT, E-on, NEMAK, BSF and also in the NGOs Jugen Gegen Aids, Tuk-tam, Teach for Bulgaria, etc.

The training will be from 09 to 17 h and will be held in Bulgarian. Admission –paid.

After the training a brief presentation of Virtual Power Teams and an informal networking will take place in the same place from 18.00 pm. Admission – free with pre-admission online registration

For details and further information about the training, please visit contact us


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