Second Part of Opinion Poll Among Teachers

“Gallup international Balkan” continues its research on Bulgarian teachers. A few weeks prior, the first part of the study was unveiled. It showed that teachers in general show confidence in their strength, but lack support from society for their cause.

According to the opinion of teachers, reforms in the education need a continuous information campaign. There is a general willingness of the guild to accept a renewal and young people joining the guild.

Different proposals for information campaign in favoring the reform are supported. There is unanimous consent (90%) for conducting specialized trainings for teachers and information campaigns for parents.

Support from parents and students

“Do you feel support from parents and teachers?” 40% of respondent’s answer that they do compared to 52%, which say they do not. The data from the second wave of the research confirm the results from the first part of the research that shows that teachers do not receive sufficient support from parents and students alike.

“It is better to have older teachers in the school system because they have more experience” or “It is better to have younger teachers in the school system because they have more energy”.

17% of respondents choose the first option, 57% think it is better to have younger teachers in the school system. Significant

3/4th of respondents believe that it is better if teachers could choose textbooks, teaching methods, subject programs, thus being at the center of the educational process. 1/4th perceive the claim that it is better if teachers do not have option to select, but rather, have clear format of evaluation that they can follow.

The results show that problems in the education system are considered structural problems, not problems of human capital. This study replicates the result of the first part of the study in respect to this point.


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