WIN/Gallup International’s Global Poll on the US Election reveals that
Global survey in 45 countries
A global poll conducted by a network of leading pollsters reveals that the American Presidential Election is arousing widespread engagement across the world, where a vast majority is keen to tell pollsters their favourite between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The poll carried out among 45 countries, covering nearly 75% of world population shows that Hillary Clinton is ahead of Donald Trump in all but one country, Russia . She is remarkably popular in Western Europe, Latin America and Africa. Donald Trump is popular in Russia and China. The findings of the global poll were discussed last week in New Orleans, USA at the Annual Congress of ESOMAR, an international professional association of marketing and opinion researchers. The poll was carried out during August and September among a total of 44,194 men and women and its detailed findings are available at (, website of the independent polling network, WIN/Gallup International Association (not related to Gallup Inc., headquartered in Washington D.C).
Among those polled, 69% said it made a high or very high impact on their countries as to who gets elected the President of the United States. On matters of public policy, the majority of 78 % across the globe advised the next American President not to be swayed by local American interests alone, but to either focus on the interests of the entire world, or to give equal priority to both local and global concerns. Only 16 % of the global public advised the next American president to put America first and disregard global interests. The American public on the other hand is much more in favour of an American-centric policy, this view being held by 61% of American citizens.
Commenting on the findings of the global poll, Vilma Scarpino, President of WIN/Gallup International Association, said: “Given that the world has become globalized and America leads it in economic and military matters, the American Presidential elections arouse a very interesting and meaningful global public policy debate. Our poll however reveals big gaps in the views of the global public and the American public”.
WIN/Gallup International, the world’s leading association in market research and polling, has published today a Global Poll exploring the outlook, expectations, views and beliefs of 44,194 people from 45 countries across the globe. It has been conducted along the lines of the End of Year Survey (EOY), an international annual tradition initiated by and designed under the chairmanship of Dr. George Gallup in 1977. It is conducted every year since then. Last year, it was carried out by the WIN/Gallup International Association in 68 countries around the world.
Sample Size and Mode of Field Work:
A total of 44,194 persons were interviewed globally. In each country a representative sample of around 1000 men and women was interviewed either face to face (14 countries; n=14613), via telephone (9 countries; n=7718), online (20 countries; n=19422) or via mixed methods (2 countries; n=2441). The field work was conducted during August 2016 – September 2016. The margin of error for the survey is between +/- 3-5% at 95% confidence level.
About WIN/Gallup International
WIN /Gallup Internationalis the leading association in market research and polling and is made up of the76largest independent market research and polling firms in their respective countries with combined revenue of over€550million and covering95%of the world’s market.
For more than 60 years WIN/Gallup International Members have demonstrated their expert ability to conduct multi-country surveys on a comparable basis and deliver the highest quality. Their Members are leading national institutes with a profound local knowledge of research methods and techniques, statistical sources, customs and culture differences of its own country and carefully selected by the Association Board. With only one Member agency per country, Members work together on a daily basis to share knowledge, new research techniques and tools, as well as to provide the most appropriate solutions to international research projects and service our clients to the best of our abilities.
The accumulated expertise of the Association is formidable – they have internationally renowned experts in public opinion, Third World issues, advertising, and media research as well as in commercial fields such as IT/telecommunications, healthcare, retail, economics, corporate research and so on. Members are at the leading edge of technical and methodological developments, which have impacted on not only the research industry but also the whole commercial world.
Disclaimer:Gallup International Association or its members are not related to Gallup Inc., headquartered in Washington D.C which is no longer a member of Gallup International Association. Gallup International Association does not accept responsibility for opinion polling other than its own. We require that our surveys be credited fully as Gallup International (not Gallup or Gallup Poll). For further details see website:
Opinion Research Committee of WIN/Gallup International: They will be happy to provide comments and explanations required by the media.
Dr. Ijaz Gilani“>
Johnny Heald“>
Marita Carballo“>
For More Information & Media Inquiries, please contact:
Chiara Monetti“>
Misha Raza“>
Gallup International Association does not accept responsibility for opinion polling other than its own. We require that our surveys be credited fully as Gallup International (not Gallup or Gallup Poll).For further details see website: www.Gallup-international.com