Quick Count – National Referendum 2016, 90% of the Sample

LogoGI Quick Count results by Gallup International Balkan – 90%of the sample:

Voter Turnout: 47,1%

Breakdown of votes on the referendum question:

Are you in favor of MPs to be elected by majoritarian electoral system with an absolute majority in two rounds?

Answered “YES”73,0%
Answered “NO”16,8%
Do not answer this specific question10,2%

Do you support the introduction of mandatory voting at elections and referenda?

Answered “YES”63,7%
Answered “NO”26,6%
Do not answer this specific question9,7%

Do you support the annual state subsidy granted for the financing of political parties and coalitions to be one levforan actual vote in the last parliamentary elections?

Answered “YES”73,6%
Answered “NO”15,8%
Do not answer this specific question10,6%


Commissioned and funded by:
Bulgarian National Television and “NOVA BROACASTING GROUP
Conducted by:
“Gallup International Balkan” EAD
With thesupportofInvestor Media Group

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Gallup International Association does not accept responsibility for opinion polling other than its own. We require that our surveys be credited fully as Gallup International (not Gallup or Gallup Poll). For further details see: http://www.gallup-international.com/.