Governmental actions against the coronavirus pandemic continue to meet public expectations. At the same time the majority of people consider health to be a personal responsibility. Fears regarding the spread of the disease gradually decrease, however the same could not be said for the fears related to the economical and financial state of the country. Physical contact, public gatherings still constitute unease. Moreover, Bulgarians hope for the normalization of their daily lives by the end of the year.
The statements above are some of the main conclusions of the regular research programme of ‘Gallup international’ in relation to coronavirus. The data is collected via telephone providing a snap hypothesis for the dynamic state that is constantly shifting. The current 8th data wave has been carried out in the period between the 4th and the 7th of June 2020, with 850 Bulgarians aged 18 and over. The previous data sets on the topic you can find here, here, here, here and here. Two international researches from the worldwide association ‘Gallup international’ you can find here and here.
51% are afraid or extremely afraid, that they or a family member might actually catch the coronavirus disease. 48% are moderately afraid or not afraid at all. There are few that are uncertain about their answer. Between the months of March and April the fears of people have noticeably increased, however from the month of April till today it seems that the fears have decreased, and the superiority of the panic over the calmness has stayed at minimum.
58% today, mostly agree with or completely agree with the statement that the threat of the coronavirus is overexaggerated. 39% have the opposing opinion. The rest of the correspondents are uncertain. Just before the government announced the state of emergency a lot more people found that the threat was overemphasized – 72% in the middle of March. Later on, came the more sensible voice of reason, which can be seen today.
72% think that the threat of coronavirus is under control when it comes to our home country, however 24% opposed that statement. It is important to keep in mind that the data has been gathered before the news about new virus spreads in some cities.
It seems that in our society there is some kind of reassurance, although that the share of those who are troubled stay relevant.
A total of 77% rather agree or completely agree, that the government is dealing well with the coronavirus. Bulgaria shows a significant at the background of the global tendency for the government to receive additional situational boost of confidence regarding the coronavirus measures.
At the same time a serious majority of 83%, consider that everyone is responsible for their own safety and health, not the government.
64% state that, they reduce their visitations to the cinema, theatre and concerts. 55% noted that they limit going out to restaurants and bars; the same amount – going to malls and sporting events, furthermore 54% said that they restricted themselves from travelling inside the country and other public events. 41% argue that they even try to limit leaving the house altogether.
It is important to know that, most of those answers have а declarative tone to them, at the same time they show that there is a social consciousness. The last is especially important in the current state of the country because of the growing spread of the virus in particular areas.
Conclusions and expectations
51% of the questioned state, that their salaries have decreased because of the coronavirus.
61% expect normalization of their life by the end of the year, and 35% argue the opposite. Overall, the data rather shows signs of hope than a diagnose.
Bulgarians clearly suffer from serious losses because of the crises, and hope to have a swift normalization.
CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing); national represenative sample (850 effective interviews ) for the population aged 18; 04-07.06.2020 г. 1% equals 55 000 people 18+. Absolute maximum error ±3.3 at 50% shares.